
PsyToolkit can run online surveys. Here you can find ready-to-run surveys of psychological scales.

milestone classification This library has now over a 100 peer-reviewed scales that you can try yourself. Each scale comes with detailed background information! Scales are listed below with handy symbols.

Try them all and compare your own scores to those of others.

For each survey in this library, you can do two types of things:

  1. Learn about various psychological scales.

    • Try the test and see how you score

    • Background, links and references for further reading

  2. Use the scales for your own research project

    • You can learn from looking at the scripts how to develop your own questionnaires, and collect data online

    • You can copy and paste the code to your own PsyToolkit surveys

    • You can change the questionnaires using the flexible PsyToolkit survey scripting language

You can embed reaction time experiments in your surveys. You can simply download (and modify if you wish) workable experiments from the experiment library.

Using the code

You can learn about the questionnaires and test the questionnaires and see your own scores without having a PsyToolkit account.

Here are the steps to take if you want to use the code in your own project:

  1. Make sure you have registered a (free) PsyToolkit account via

  2. Go to your PsyToolkit account, and create a new survey (not an experiment, which is different!).

  3. Copy the survey code (provided for each scale) and follow instructions.

  4. If you want to use it, make sure you also enter information for participants, etc.

There is a complete lesson about how to set up an online PsyToolkit survey study. Click here to go to the lesson.

Your responsibility

If you copy any of these surveys and use them for your own research, make sure that you read this:

  • Make sure you are not violating any copyrights. As far as the PsyToolkit developer (Dr. Gijsbert Stoet) is aware, all the surveys here can be used for study and research as long as acknowledge the original authors and paper (which will be listed for each survey). If you think a questionnaire here should not be listed here, please contact PsyToolkit.

  • PsyToolkit does its best to code surveys correctly, but takes no responsibility for any mistakes.

  • Make sure you always comply with ethics regulations of your institution. PsyToolkit is only a tool, you are responsible for its use and ethics approval yourself.

Scales for …​


Icon Meaning (most relevant is indicated) Icon Meaning (most relevant is indicated)

Normal psychological traits

Particularly negative traits

Related to love, sex, affection

Particularly positive traits

Related to mental health issues

Consumer psychology

Related to religion/supernatural beliefs

Education related


Computer/Internet related

Sleep related


scale features

Personality profiles

Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI/BIG5)

15 item Big5 Personality Inventory (BFI-S)

Personality (shortened ZKPQ)

Personality type D

Normal traits

Maslow’s Need Satisfaction

Conscientiousness (CCM-S)

Emotional Intelligence (EM)

Emotional regulation (ERQ)

Empathy Quotient (EQ)

Systemizing Quotient (SQ)

Scale of positive and negative experience (SPANE)

Humor Styles Questionniare (HSQ)

Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS)

Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ)

Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS)

Gratitude scale (GQ-6)

Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ)

Satisfaction with love life scale (SWLLS)

Romantic jealousy (SF-MJS)

Attachment and adult relationships (SAAM)

Risk Propensity Scale (RPS)

Relationship satisfaction (PN-SMD)

Flourishing Scale (FS)

Positive Thinking Scale (PTS)

Positive Mindset Index (PMI)

Trust scale

Perceived stress (PSS)

Visual Analogue Mood Scales (VAMS)

Difficulties in mental health

Autism Spectrum Quotient 10 items (AQ-10)


Clinically Useful Depression Outcome Scale (CUDOS)

Personal Health Questionniare (PHQ-9) — depression

Mental Health Continuum (MHC-SF)

Appearance Anxiety Inventory (AAI)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7)

Depression, Anxiety, Stress (DASS)

Depression, Anxiety, Stress (DASS-21)

Mathematics anxiety (AMAS)

Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI-5)

Fear of Spiders (FSQ)

Fear of Spiders (SPQ)

Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q)

Clinical Anger Scale (CAS)

Schizotypy (short O-LIFE)

Hypoglycemia Symptoms Checklist (HSC-7)

Paranoia (GTPS)

Clinincal Impairment Assessment (CIA); eating disorders

Dyslexia checklist

Procrastination scale (Lay’s GP)

Procrastinatory Cognitions Inventory (PCI)

Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS)

Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (revised, OCI-R)

Executive control function à la DEX (webexec)

Brief Irritability Test (BITe)

Loneliness (UPLAS)

Social Media Disorder Scale (SMD)

World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5)


Caffeine Use Disorder Questionnaire (CUDQ)

Pathological Internet Use

Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ)

Unusual traits

Narcissism Inventory (NPI-16)

Hypersensitivity Narcism Scale (HSNS)

Psychopathy (LSRP)

Histrionic Personality Features (BHPS); attention seeking, etc

Scrupulosity (PIOS)

Short Dark Triad scale (SD3)

Varieties of Sadistic Tendencies (VAST)


Lying in Everyday Situations Scale (LiES)

Bullshit Frequency Scale (BFS)

Cognitive self assessment

Cognitive Flexibility Scale (CFS)

Cognitive Failures (CFQ)

Believe in evolution (GAENE)

Believe in evolution (MATE)

Supernatural Belief Scale (SBS-10)

Advertisement skepticism (SKEP)

Social Intelligence (TSIS)

Need for Cognition (NCS-6)


Chronotype (CIRENS)

Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ)

Groningen Sleep Quality Scale (GSQS)


Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (short form)

Sex Role Inventory (BSRI)

Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS)

Love Attitudes Scale (LAS, short form)

Brief Sexual Attitudes Scale (BSAS)

Sensation Seeking (AISS)

Rumination Response Scale (RRS)

Rational-Experiental Inventory (REI)

Barratt’s Impulsiveness Scale (BIS)

Self Esteem Scale (Rosenberg)

State Self Esteem Scale (SSES)

Resilience (BRCS)

Resilience (BRS)

Political conservatism scale

Optimism (LOT-R)

Generalized Self Efficacy scale (GSE)

Dominance scale (ARD)

Shyness scale (McCroskey)

Self-Consciousness Scale, revised version (SCS-R)

Perfectionism (SAPS)

Locus of control (Rotter’s original)

Spheres of control (SOC-3)

Body esteem (BES)

Cooperation/Competition (CCSS)

Nurturing Fathering Scale (NFS)

Grit scale (GRIT-S)

Healthy Selfishness (HS)

Specific adult groups

scale features group

Belonging, Engagement, Self-Confidence

University students

Measure of Anxiety in Selection Interviews (MASI)


Teacher burnout scale


Postnatal depression


Service to Others in Sobriety (SOS)

People working in Alcoholics Anonymous programmes

Diabetes Self Management

People with diabetes

Demographic questions

When you run your own (online) questionnaire study, you typically will need to ask some demographic questions. For example, how old is the participant and what is their gender. Because these questions come back in so many surveys, there is a short survey that has a whole bunch of these questions ready to run and to choose from. Most likely, you need to adapt these to your specific study.

Learn to develop your own scales

Reading the background articles can help you to learn how to develop your own scales.

Other useful libraries of scales