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PsyToolkit is primarily aimed on running experiments on Linux computers. Linux is an attractive platform for PsyToolkit for these reasons:

PsyToolkit can, in principle, be ported to other platforms, but multiple platform solutions often come with many disadvantages. In order to be able to at least demonstrate what PsyToolkit can do and for teaching purposes there is a Java version. You can now create experiments in Java code that run on any platform. Note: You cannot compile the PsyToolkit scripts on other platforms, but you can use the web based interface (via the PsyToolkit home page).

Creating Java code

The psycc command can be used to create a java version of your experiment.

Create a Java version

psycc -j myexperiment.psy
java -jar experiment.jar

You can now send the jar file to your colleague who does not have Linux. This way, your colleague will be able to run the code and analyze the data file.

Limitations of the Java version

There are a number of limitations.