If you are a student and want to set up a study really quickly without doing any further coding, you can do that. Here we use the popular SART experiment to illustrate how to do so.
First, make sure you have a PsyToolkit account. If you do not have one, just register a new account.
Choose an experiment you want from the experiment library. We have lots of them.
There are different ways to get an experiment from the library, here is one way:
Find your your experiment of choice (for example, the sart2)
Find the "Download section" on that page
Click on the link "The PsyToolkit code zip file"
Make sure not to open or extract the zip file, the browser will just store it on your local computer/laptop
Later we will upload this file to your account

Now in your PsyToolkit account, click, "Create a new experiment".
If you click that, select "Method 2: From a PsyToolkit experiment file (zip format)"
You do not need to choose a name if you check the box as in the image below. If you want, you can choose any other name.
Then click the blue button "Create experiment from an uploaded PsyToolkit experiment file"
Congratulations, you now have the experiment in your PsyToolkit account.

Now you are ready to "embed" your newly uploaded experiment into a survey. Creating a new survey is super simple.
A survey is basically an online questionnaire you can send to participants. An experiment is coded in your PsyToolkit account, but to send it to people, it must be embedded in one of your online surveys. |
First you want to click on "Create new survey" which is on the top left of the page (in the orange menus). Think of a name, call it whatever you like.
Once it is created, you will go automatically to the survey editor window. If you later want to edit it, you need to select it form "Edit surveys" on the left. |

We suggest to move your mouse to the right side of the browser window and "lock" the popup menu there, that makes it a bit easier (1). |
Now we are going to add the experiment to your survey.
You can work in regular or easy mode. Here we explain the easy mode for adding an experiment. |
Click on "Easy mode" to edit the survey.

Now you you get a list of the "questions" you already have in your questionnaire, in this survey those are age and gender. All we need to do now is add the experiment after these two questions.
Any psychological questionnaire should really ask for age and gender, as you would typically be expected to report some demographics of your participant sample (e.g., average age). |
We select the "+" symbol of the last question, because you want to add the question after the question "gender".

Now you get a list of all the types of "questions" you can enter. We select "Experiment". This is not really a "question", but it is a whole experiment. Anyway,click this.

Now you are in the question editor for type "Experiment". Here, you do not really to change anything. Just make sure that as you see below, the experiment selection dropdown points to the experiment you want, in our tutorial it is the "sart2". Also, at the bottom, click "save" which brings you back to the overview of all the questions you have so far in your survey.

Now at the overview of your questions, at the top, click on the green button "Regular overview" again. You are almost ready.

Now you are in the regular survey editor. Now you need to "compile" it. This means that you make it ready for showing to partcipants with all the information you just entered.
Click "Compile" the survey button. It should say "Your survey was compiled successfully".

Now make your survey online available. You only need to do this one time in new surveys (tip: design mode is fine, even for real data collection). You scroll down a bit and select "Survey is online" and confirm with clicking the button next to it "Change survey status"
Now basically your survey is ready, but it lacks the polish it needs (for example, a good welcome page informing your participants what the study is about and asking for consent to collect their data).

You basically now can send out your survey to participants. If you scroll down a bit, there is a link "Copy link to clipboard". If you use this, you can send this link in emails. Or you can click to create the QR code and hang that up on posters around your university.

In order to select all the functionality you want, you can scroll through the page, add information for the welcome page, and so on. Once happy with your choices, "save" that information (click save in blue menu) and make sure to recompile.
Whenever you make changes to the code or the welcome screen etc, you need to recompile as well. |

It is always worth testing your survey before sending it out. Before you send it out for real data collection, make sure to delete your test data, that is quite easy to do.
Go to "Download section" and click "Prepare data for download"
Refresh page if "Download data in zip file" does not show up
Then "Download data in zip file"
Now you go to delete and select "Delete particicipant data files"
Now your survey has no more data
These steps are there to protect you from erroneously deleting your data. |

Congratulations, you are now completely done. In summary:
You have embedded your experiment in the survey
You have added information in the welcome screen and so on
You have a link for your survey that you can send out
You have deleted all your test data so that all data collected from now are for your final analysis
One way to work is to make a nice poster and put the QR code on it and hand it out to people on campus.