This page is merely meant to look up instructions of the PsyToolkit scripts. It assumes you know more or less what you are looking for. If you are new to PsyToolkit, it is easier to start looking at some of the examples here or more detailed examples in the experiment library. |
Other relevant documents:
How to use this experiment-script overview page
This page lists all possible elements of a PsyToolkit script. It will also give a short syntax description. A syntax is a description of how instructions can be used. In the syntax description, the compulsory arguments of an instruction are in square brackets []. The optional arguments in normal brackets (). A | sign indicates different valid values for an argument.
For example, take the example for the instruction "show rectangle". The example below shows that there are 4 compulsory arguments: X,Y,W,H. This is the x-coordinate, the y-coordinate, the width and height. The arguments Red, Green, and Blue are optional (by default, a rectangle is white, but you can give it different colors)
show rectangle [X,Y,W,H](Red,Green,Blue) |
The brackets in the syntax description are, of course, not typed in the real script; it is just a way of describing a syntax. Look carefully at the examples given for each instruction to see on how to use instructions. |
structure of scripts
There are different sections in scripts, and each section is separated from others by at least one empty line. |
Everything following a hash mark is a comment only for human’s eyes, the computer will ignore it. |
The main sections which contain multiple lines each are:
basic options describes handy non-default PsyToolkit settings such as screen size
advanced options describes advanced options beginners can ignore
linux-only options special advanced options when using the Linux version
bitmaps/sounds/fonts describes which stimuli to use
task can be used multiple times to describe paradigm trials
table can be used multiple times to describe experimental conditions
block can be used multiple times to run blocks of trials
blockorder order of blocks can optionally be set in a different way (advanced users only)
basic options
Whenever you program an experiment, you may want to deviate from the default values. For example, the default screen size of an experiment is 800 by 600 pixels, but you can change this using the option "resolution". The available options are listed below. At the bottom of this section is a complete example.
There are many options, but they are mostly for advanced users. If you are new to PsyToolkit, you at first ignore the options. |
This sets the resolution of the experiment. This default resolution is 800 by 600.
When specifying the resolution, it is width by height, separated only by a space. See example below. |
resolution 1000 800
task MyTask
set $x random -300 300 # random x position
set $y random -300 300 # random y position
set $mysize random 10 100
show rectangle $x $y $mysize $mysize 255 0 0 # show red rectangle
delay 100
clear -1
block MyBlock
MyTask 200
Runs experiment in fullscreen mode. In Linux, this is the default, whereas in the browser it is not.
In the online version (Javascript), fullscreen does not work in Apple’s Safari browser (Apple won’t allow fullscreen and keyboard input). |
task MyTask
set $x random -300 300 # random x position
set $y random -300 300 # random y position
set $mysize random 10 100
show rectangle $x $y $mysize $mysize 255 255 0 # show yellow rectangle
delay 100
clear -1
block MyBlock
MyTask 200
By default, the mouse cursor is not shown, because from a psychological point of view it can be a distracting stimulus. But for some experiments, the mouse is needed as a pointing device. This option makes sure the mouse cursor is visible. The only useful value is "on".
options mouse on
The option only switches the mouse on at the start of the experiment. You can still switch it off later in a task using the mouse hide and mouse show instructions. Click here to read more about those two instructions. |
This lets you set a global variable. This can be handy if you want to test an experimental parameter (e.g., intertrial interval) to a specific value throughout the experiment. If you do not use the variable anywhere, this set value will just be ignored.
set &my_intertrialinterval 100
task MyTask
set $x random -300 300 # random x position
set $y random -300 300 # random y position
set $mysize random 10 100
show rectangle $x $y $mysize $mysize 255 0 0 # show red rectangle
delay 100
clear -1
delay &my_intertrialinterval
block MyBlock
MyTask 200
Sometimes it is handy to have set some basic parameters in the options as global variables. That way, you can easily find them back. Good examples are intertrial intervals, maximum allowed response times, stimulus size, etc. |
start messages
In the web-based version, every experiment starts with a red box and the English message Click to start. Also, depending on the time it takes to load the messages, you will see a message wait a second.
You can change these two messages with the following two options:
startbutton text My own click-to-start message
loading text My own wait-a-second message
advanced options
var in
When you use PsyToolkit within online PsyToolkit surveys, you can exchange numerical variables between the experiments and a survey.
For example, you can have a survey question asking for someone’s age, and then subsequently use the age as a variable in the experiment. You need to specify the survey label. Below is an example.
l: sleep
t: range
q: how many hours sleep did you have?
- {min=0,max=10} Select number
l: alcohol
t: range
q: how many glasses of alcohol did you dring?
- {min=0,max=20} Select number
l: the_experiment
t: experiment
- my_experiment
l: information
t: info
q: Your score is {$xxx} and {$yyy}.
In the following experiment, participants are asked to respond to a rectangle. Let’s assume that sleepy people or those with alcohol need more time, we want to give them more time, so we make the maximum time they can respond in longer. We create a new variable MyMaxTime based on their alcohol consumption and there hours of sleep. The more they have drunk or the less they have slept, the higher &MyMaxTime will be. This just shows how you can use the variables |
Note that the variables sleep and alcohol are treated as global variables, and need to be preceded by the & sign. |
var in sleep alcohol
task myTask
keys space
show rectangle 0 0 100 100
set &MyMaxTime expression 1000 + 100 * &alcohol + 100 * ( 10 - &sleep )
readkey 1 &MyMaxTime
save RT
myTask 10
var out
The option var out can be used to save a value created in an experiment directly to the survey. If you do this, the saved value will be available in the questionnaire spreadsheet.
var out my_score
l: my_feedback
t: info
q: Your score was {$my_score}
Visual stimuli are presented on the screen, and you need to give an X and a Y coordinate to place them. The origin option tells the computer where point X=0,Y=0 (or 0,0) is.
By default, the coordinate point 0,0 is at the center of the screen. Alternatively, you can set the top-left corner of the screen as the origin (which was the default in older versions of PsyToolkit).
origin topleft
The options fontdir,datadir,bitmapdir,sounddir,videodir let you change the folders where the computer expects the stimuli to be saved. You do not need to specify this if the stimuli files are in the same directory as your scripting code.
This option makes most sense if you work in C or have large experiments. |
Linux-only options
escape (C only)
In the Linux Desktop version, this makes it possible to end the program to by pressing the escape key. Please notice that the computer only tests whether the escape button has been pressed at the end of each trial. Hence, if you use this option, and if you want to break out your experiment, you have to hold the escape button (or whatever button you use for escaping) for the duration of at least one trial.
In the browser function, you can always escape out of your experiment, and there this option is not necessary. |
parallelport (C only)
This is for advanced coding of the parallel port.
pcidio24 (C only)
This is for advanced coding of the pcidio24 port
cedrus (C only)
This indicates that you have attached a Cedrus keyboard. Optionally, you can specify a model. If you specify a model, the script will only run with that model. That strictness is only necessary in case you want to force people to use a specific Cedrus keypad.
iolab (C only)
It seems this device is no longer produced. PsyToolkit still supports it. |
This indicates that you have attached the IoLab device (a special keyboard with push buttons). Optionally, you can specify the voicekey parameters (see psycc -s)
et (Linux only)
Support for the Tobii eye-tracker is being developed. Currently, the code is under development for model tx300. This works only on linux
et tobii 12345
The number 12345 is here an example of a Tobii tracker ID. It is optional to give that identication number. |
sprites first (Linux only)
Advanced use only |
The option sprites first will draw the sprites before it draws any other stimuli. This means that sprites will be drawn in the background, which is what you want for certain situations.
The filename of the executable program. Per default, this is "experiment", but it can be set with the command line option -o and with this option.
The -o option will override this option. In the online version, this option will be ignored. |
egi (C only)
With the host ipname or ipaddress and the (optional) ip port sets up a connection to the Electrical Geodesics, Inc System. This has not been tested well, and is based on old code.
You do not need to use any options if you do not want to. |
resolution 1024 800
mouse off
set &my_variable 100
vsync on|off
Not relevant for the Web-based version.
Advanced users only. In Linux mode, this is "on" by default, but can be switched off, because some graphics cards do not allow to use the vsync. PsyToolkit will actually complain if it is not available.
If set to "off, the computer does not wait for synchronization of the vsync (this is the default in Javascript). This is handy for testing, since the experiment does not need the root permission during compilation. In C, if you use the -t option, this is the default.
vsync off
window (C only)
This lets you run the experiment in a window instead of in full screen. This is good for testing. Note that the full screen mode is the default mode in Linux, unless you run in test mode.
Because PsyToolkit can run in two different programming environments, some functions do not work in all environments. C only functions only run on the Linux version which is based on the C programming language. If you use the online version, you can fully ignore these. |
screensize and screendistance (C only)
This lets you set the dimensions of the screen and the eye-screen distance. Units are in millimeters. These numbers are necessary if you want to use the option coordinates polar or if you want to use the report stimulus size command line option. If you use a polar coordinate system (which is rare), all xy coordinates should be specified in 100ths of degrees (thus 100 = 1 degree, 200 = 2 degrees of visual angle). This is not well implemented yet (let me know if you need this).
This is only for advanced users. This will only allow to compile a script with the corresponding psycc version. This is practical if you have multiple versions of psycc installed, and when you just want to make sure that the code runs. This command has no effect in the online version.
Linux only. You can check if the refresh rate is as expected, and if not a message will be shown on screen.
This is useful if you have an advanced monitor and you want to make sure the refresh rate is not reset to a lower value by some other desktop manager. Note that only XFCE has a nice way of setting the refresh rate (settings→display). |
resolution 1920 1080
check_refresh_rate 144
In the above example, we set the screen to what is today pretty much a standard resolution (read more about this so-called 'full HD'). Then we tell the computer that we expect that the graphics card and monitor run at a refresh rate of 144 Hz. PsyToolkit cannot set this, but it can check it. If PsyToolkit finds that the screen is not running at the expected refresh rate, it will give a message and then stop.
fontdir /usr/lib/fonts
datadir /home/user/mydatadir
bitmapdir /usr/local/bitmaps
sounddir /usr/local/snd
videodir /usr/local/videos
origin topleft
resolution 1024 800
screensize 1000 600
screendistance 500
coordinates polar
vsync off
parallelport in data out 1 5
pcidio24 in a b out c_low c_high
executable myexperiment
set &myinterval 100
sprites first
loading stimuli
The computer needs to know which stimuli you use. Stimuli are typically images or sounds, and these need to be loaded. You can also load fonts and videos, although videos are not well supported and currently only work in the C mode. Below is explained on how to load bitmaps, sounds, and fonts.
Bitmap and sound-file names are not allowed to start with a number, are not allowed to contain spaces or special characters (except underscore). |
The bitmaps command lets you define a number of bitmaps you want to use in your experiment. Bitmaps can be of common formats, png, jpg, bmp and some more.
The bitmaps line has no parameters, and is followed by lines describing the bitmap, each bitmap having a name and a file description.
Do not put anything is quotes, and don’t use spaces in the descriptions or in the filenames.
If you don’t add a filename, it assume that a filename exists with the extension .png. In the example below, PsyToolkit assumes a file house.png to exist because no further bitmap info is given. This is actually the recommended way of working (it is definitely easiest).
funnyface /home/user/funny.bmp
cookie /usr/local/cookie.jpeg
smiley smiley
task MyTask
show bitmap funnyface
show bitmap cookie 100 0
Note that for Javascripted experiments in a browser, there are two additional ways to load bitmaps:
1: using the http:// prefix (thus, instead of a full filename, give the URL). This makes sense under very special circumstances, and is not generally recommended, unless you really know what you are doing. The reason for this is that this can speed up download times of online experiments considerably. This because per default, all stimuli are embedded in the HTML file via data:uri, which can lead to large HTML files.
Here is how you do it in PsyToolkit
task MyTask
show bitmap house
2: using data:image/ uris
For more information on how data URI works see data URI on Wikipedia
The data uri is only for very rare and special occasions, and is generally not recommended (because it is not really necessary, but there are some unusual technical reasons why someone might want it under super-unusual conditions) |
task MyTask
show bitmap testimage
This works like the "bitmaps" commands, just to tell the computer which sounds are being loaded. You can use any sound file format, although the wav file format is the one that is most widely used and recommended for online studies.
barkingdog bark.wav
phone ringingphone.mp3
task MyTask
sound phone
delay 300
As for bitmaps, you can also load a sound from a web server (using http://). The advantage is that this leads to quicker loading times. |
You can also use sounds in the block, for example to play some music when the participant is doing the task. This can be used to test the effect of different types of sounds, music, background noise on task performance. See sound in a block. |
Here you can describe which fonts to use. You can use built-in fonts (arial, times, courier) or load ttf fonts (since 2.3.3 also in Javascript). If you use them online, you need to upload your ttf just like you upload any other stimuli.
Note that the same fonts go by different names. If you are not familiar with the most common types, check WikiPedia for information about Arial, information about Times New Roman, and information about Courier. |
In both C and Javascript, you can use one of the three default font types: arial, times, or courier. If you use one of these three fonts, you do not need to upload or include a font file, because these fonts are already available on computers. On Linux, Arial=FreeSans.ttf, Times=FreeSerif.ttf, and Courier=FreeMono.ttf. |
arial 18
myfont times 20
mysmallfont arial.ttf 20
mybigfont arial.ttf 40
task MyTask
font mysmallfont
show text "hello"
delay 1000
font mybigfont
show text "world"
delay 1000
font arial
show text "Some text in standard arial"
font myfont
show text "Some text in Times New Roman"
delay 1000
See also show text.
In PsyToolkit, a task (typically) describes the sequence of exactly one trial of an experiment.
Tasks are the most difficult part of the scripting language, because they involve writing real sequential computer instructions to show stimuli, wait for responses, etc. Lots of things are possible, and there are many different instruction types. Each instruction type is described below.
Before describing the instructions, a number of fundamental elements of the language are described, namely the structure of tasks, variables, and timestamps.
how tasks are structured
Tasks are really used to program what happens in one trial of a experiment paradigm. A task is just a sequence of instructions, ended with an empty line. The instructions contain the following major parts of information:
Where a description of the different experimental conditions is. This can be done with the table statement
How exactly the participant should respond (e.g., which keyboard keys, or with the mouse). This can be done, for example, with keys and readkey.
The stimuli being used, and when and where they should be presented. This can be done with show and sound.
Which data should be saved to a file for later data analysis. This is done with the instruction save
the concept of variables
Like any computer language, you can use variables. There are global and local variables. You can in principle always use global variables. Local variables are only used within one task, whereas global variables can be used anywhere in the task and block code (see also blocks). You can set initial values of global variables in the options.
You can set a variable with the "set" instruction.
task MyTask
set $x 100
set &y 10
show bitmap FunnyFace $x &y
Variables can only have integer values. An integer is a whole number. For example, $x is 100, it cannot be 100.342, because the latter is not a whole number. |
The equal sign is not being used to assign values to variables! That is, no "=" symbol like you would do in most programming languages. |
Variables are not allowed to start with a number, are not allowed to contain spaces, minus signs, dots, or special characters except the underscore. |
Good examples.
The following are NOT allowed!!!!!!!
$My Variable 1 (reason: no spaces allowed)
$My.variable.1 (reason: no dots allowed)
$My-variable-1 (reason: no minus signs allowed)
$My*variable (reason: no special characters such as "*" allowed)
$123my_variable (reason: not allowed to start with a number)
There are also special types of variables written in capitals, such as RT, STATUS, TABLEROW, TASKNAME, BLOCKNAME, BLOCKNUMBER, BLOCKORDER. They just give you access to important information about a response or the task condition. |
the concept of timestamps
Timestamps are a special type of variable, but they are only used in very advanced scripts and are normally not necessary. Whenever you set a timestamp, the current time is being saved.
The set function
With set, you can assign values to variables.
set [$&][variablename] [new value, variable, or expression] |
As explained about in "variables", the set function can set the value of variables.
A variable is a basic element in any programming language. A variable is simply a symbol which holds a value. For example, x = 10. PsyToolkit can only work with whole numbers as values. |
set is a relatively advanced function, and when learning PsyToolkit, you do not immedeately need it, and you can write scripts without set. |
set $x 10
set &x 10
In the rest, the local or global nature of the variable is irrelevant for explaining set, and we just work with $x
set $x &y
set $x 10
set $x increase 2 # after this, $x has value 11
set $x 10
set $x decrease # after this, $x has value 9
set $x expression $x / 2 + $a + 1
set $x random 1 10
set $x random 2 100 2
set $x random from 1 2 3 5 10
set $x pcidio24 a # set to value of register A
set $x time-since-start
timestamp MyTime1
dely 500
timestamp MyTime2
set $x timestamp-diff MyTime1 MyTime2 # now x should be 500
timestamp MyTime1
dely 2500
timestamp MyTime2
set $x timestamp-seconds MyTime2 # value should be 2
set $x timestamp-milliseconds MyTime2 # value should be 2500
set $x unix-time
save $x
task test
show bitmap yourface -100 0 ## first bitmap
show bitmap smileyface 200 200 ## second bitmap
readmouse l 1 1000
set $myMouseX MOUSE_X # current mouse x-coordinate
set $myMouseY MOUSE_Y # current mouse x-coordinate
set $x bitmap-under-mouse $myMouseX $myMouseY ## $x should be 1
Summary of set
Summary of all set functions.
Set is not needed for beginners! It really allows flexibity in your code, if you want and need it. |
For each set function, you can use local or global variables. Do not worry about the difference between local and global variables; when in doubt, use global variables (starting with the & sign). |
purpose | example | result |
basic use |
assign value to local variable |
set $x 10 |
$x contains 10 (only whole values are allowed) |
assign value to global variable |
set &g 12 |
&g contains 12 |
assign value from other variable |
set &h RT |
assuming there was a readkey command earlier, set &h to the value of RT |
assign random value |
set &x random 1 5 |
&x contains one value from 1,2,3,4,5 |
assign random value in steps |
set &x random 1 10 2 |
&x contains one value from 1,3,5,7,9 |
increase variable’s value |
set &x increase |
assume &x already contains 5, after this command it will contain 6 |
increase variable’s value by value |
set &x increase 3 |
assume &x already contains 5, after this command it will contain 8 |
decrease |
set &a decrease |
works the same as increase, except it decrease the value |
assign value based on expression |
set $y expression $x * 3 + 5 |
assume $x contains value 5, then $y will contain 20 |
advanced use: time functions |
time since start of experiment in ms |
set $j time-since-start |
if your experiment started 5 seconds ago, $j will contain 5000 |
calculate difference between 2 time stamps |
set $t timestamp-diff MyTime1 MyTime2 |
Assume that MyTime1 is set earlier than MyTime2, $t will contain difference in milliseconds. |
calculate difference between 2 time stamps in seconds |
set $t timestamp-seconds MyTime1 |
the timestamp in seconds |
calculate difference between 2 time stamps in milliseconds |
set $ms timestamp-milliseconds MyTime1 |
the timestamp in milli seconds |
advanced use: mouse functions |
find number of stimulus clicked |
set $b bitmap-under-mouse |
if in the last readmouse stimulus 5 was clicked, $b will contain 5 |
find number of stimulus clicked, but only consider certain stimulus numbers |
set $b bitmap-under-mouse range 10 15 |
if in the last readmouse stimulus 11 was clicked, $b will not contain 11. Other stimuli will be ignored. This is handy for overlapping stimuli. |
advanced use: other |
find number of last shown stimulus |
set $c show-counter |
if you have shown 10 stimuli, $c will contain 10 |
advanced use: Linux only |
get value from PCI-DIO24 card |
set $z pcidio24 a |
set $z to the 8-bit value from channel a (value between 0 and 255) |
current X position on screen of sprite |
set $x sprite-x 2 |
assuming there is a sprite number 2, set $x to where the sprite is on the screen (x coordinate) |
current Y position on screen of sprite |
set $y sprite-y 2 |
assuming there is a sprite number 2, set $y to where the sprite is on the screen (y position) |
commonly used instructions
There are many different instructions for showing stimuli, recording and saving responses. Below they are all listed with a short example of their use. This section describes the ones that are most often used, and that you really need to understand.
Before we start, here is an alphabetical list of the most commonly used instructions:
presenting stimuli
measuring responses and response times
keys tells the computer which keys are being used in a task
readkey waits for one keyboard press
readkeys waits for multiple keyboard presses
readmouse waits for a mouse click or mouse movement
choose fancy multiple stimuli selection with mouse
rate easy way to include Likert scale in your experiment
waiting for some time
delay wait period in milliseconds
saving data
save saves data to file
telling the computer about experimental conditions
table specifies where the experiment conditions are
Below, each of these commands is given in more detail.
keys [list of keycodes] |
At the beginning of a task description, you should tell the computer which keys from the keyboard participants might have to press. This line should be one the first lines in the task description.
Keys given will be associated a keyboard numbers, starting with one. You can use this when saving data. The variable KEY will contain this value when a key has been pressed.
keys a z
List of all the keys available on all platforms:
lettes: a to z
numbers: 0 to 9
special keys: enter capslock tab space end home insert
special keys: escape slash backslash quote comma period
arrow keys: up down right left
numerical keyboard (keypad): kp0 kp1 kp2 kp3 kp4 kp5 kp6 kp7 kp8 kp9
number keyboard: kp_period kp_slash kp_star kp_minus kp_plus kp_enter
The following keys are not availble in the Javascript mode
shift keys: lshift rshift
control keys: lcontrol rcontrol
alt keys: lalt ralt
logo keys: lsuper rsuper
Mouse on or off
You can switch the mouse cursor off (hide) or on (show). Look at the following lines you can use in a task.
task MyTask show bitmap smileyface mouse hide delay 1000 show bitmap smileyface mouse show delay 1000
table [name of table] |
The table simply refers to a table instruction (which is separately defined from the task, and it will contain information about the different experimental instructions). Note that you must define a table elsewhere in your script, which is explained elsewhere in this document. Each line in a table will be considered the description of a different experimental condition; therefore, tables allow you to have one task description for different conditions. This way you can vary the color, position, or size of stimuli. It is a key element in PsyToolkit scripts, although you can write scripts without tables as well!
The table row chosen on a given trial is in the variable TABLEROW.
table MyTable
show [bitmap|text|rectangle](X,Y)(…) |
This is a key instruction, which can show a rectangle, a bitmap, or a text anywhere on the screen. It can also change the background color (show background). The number of parameters given to a show instruction can vary. The show command for bitmap, rectangle, and text, and text, will now be given separately.
show bitmap
show bitmap [bitmap](X,Y) |
Imagine you have loaded a bitmap in the bitmaps section of your task description. Now you can show it. Just specify the bitmap, and the bitmap will be shown at screen center. You can also specify the X and Y coordinates (optional).
show bitmap MyBitmap
show bitmap MyBitmap 200 10
More information about how to show bitmaps is available in this lesson. |
show rectangle
show rectangle X,Y,Width,Height, Red,Green,Blue |
You can display colored rectangles, specifying the X and Y position as well as the Width and Height. You also need to specify the Red, Green, and Blue values. That means you will have 7 more values!
In the example below, a rectangle is show at position 0,0 and it has both a width and a height of 100 pixels. The red/green/blue values are set to 255/0/0. The maximum value in each of these three color channels is 255. Given that only red is specified, the rectangle will be red.
PsyToolkit uses the Red-Green-Blue (RGB) color model. Each color can be specified as a combination of red, green, and blue. For each of these three basic colors, you need to give a value between zero and 255. You can create any color, see RGB model on wikipedia. There are websites where you can create your own colors: |
Color | Red | Green | Blue |
White |
255 |
255 |
255 |
Pure red |
255 |
0 |
0 |
Pure blue |
0 |
0 |
255 |
Pure green |
0 |
255 |
0 |
Yellow |
255 |
255 |
0 |
Grey |
128 |
128 |
128 |
Orange |
255 |
128 |
0 |
Pink |
255 |
100 |
180 |
show rectangle 0 0 100 100 255 0 0
show circle
Show a circle. Similar to show rectangle.
show circle X,Y,Radius, Red,Green,Blue |
The 3rd parameter is the radius in pixels (thus, the width is twice the radius).
show circle 0 0 100 255 0 0
show background
show background (Red,Green,Blue) |
Sometimes you want the whole screen to have a specific color. In principle, you could just draw a rectangle the size of the screen. The "show background" function does exactly that. You just give the three color parameters and the whole screen will be filled with that color. Otherwise, it is treated like a normal screen stimulus and it has a number and it can be cleared.
show background 100 100 100 ## creates a grey background
delay 500
show rectangle 100 200 200 0 0 ## draw red rectangle
delay 1000
clear -1 ## erase the the rectangle
You do not need to clear the background and the background will stay on until next trial (which is most likely what people want) |
show text
The show text instruction shows text. You need to specify a font and font size as well in the fonts section
In the desktop version, you can load True Type Files (TTF). In the web-based version, you can only use three standard types of fonts, namely arial, times, and courier. |
show text [text](X,Y)(Red,Green,Blue) |
MyArial arial.ttf 20
table MyFirstTable
10 "some text"
15 "some other text"
task MyTask
font MyArial
table MyFirstTable
show text "Some green text" 0 0 0 255 0
show text @2 0 0 0 255 0
The default alignment is "center". That means that if you ask something to presented at, say, position 10,10, that is where the center of the word is. See the example below on how to set the alignment. Also, note that you can set the text color for all subsequent "show text" commands, and here you can use a color word. |
While "show text …" is for actually displaying the text, you can set the alignment of color separately. That is easy if you for example want to present multiple texts in the same color.
arial 20
task MyTask
text color yellow
text align center
show text "Some text with alignment: center" 0 -100
text align left
show text "Some text with alignment: left" 0 0
text align right
show text "Some text with alignment: right" 0 100
delay 10000
block test
MyTask 1
The following color words are currently implemented: white, yellow, red, green, blue, pink, purple, black, grey, orange, pink. |
For "text color", you can also specify the color in three decimal values or as 6 digit hex code. See example below for the same statement of specifying yellow in three different ways. This example makes no sense in a real experiment (because why would you specify the same color 3x in a row?), but just demonstrates how to use the "text color" statement. |
# specify color as word:
text color yellow
# specify color as Red Green Blue code:
text color 255 255 0
# specify color as Hexadecimal value:
text color FFFF00
clear [bitmap occurrence](list of bitmap occurrences) |
To erase a stimulus you put on the screen with "show", you can erase with clear. The call "clear" takes at least one parameter. The number corresponds to the count of show calls. For example, if you want to erase a particular bitmap which was shown as the second show event in your task, use "clear 2". Alternatively, you can use negative referral numbers to refer to preceding stimuli: -1 refers to the last presented bitmap! Using the negative referrals is actually much easier to use, because that way you do not need to count bitmaps.
The bitmap counter is reset every trial! |
show bitmap redcircle
show bitmap greencircle
delay 500
clear 2 # clears the second presented bitmap
# or
show bitmap redcircle
show bitmap greencircle
delay 500
clear -1 # clears last presented bitmap, that is "green circle"
# or
show bitmap redcircle
show bitmap greencircle
delay 500
clear 1 2 # clears both bitmaps
Sometimes, you want to clear so many stimuli that it is not nice to have to type the numbers in. If they are in a range, you can specify the range. For example, clear range 1 10 clears stimuli 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10. |
Rarely, you want to clear the whole screen. This is not recommended for time critical things, because it can be slower that changing small parts of the screen. Sometimes you want to clear the whole screen at the beginning or end of trial. You can use clear screen to do so. |
The hide functions does exactly what the clear function does, except that this way you can also unhide the stimulus again.
Using hide, you do not change the stimulus count of the stimulus. Sometimes, this can be handy.
It is possible to rotate bitmaps presented with the "show bitmap" command. A good example is given in the Mackworth example in the PsyToolkit experiment library.
Angle is indicated in tenth of degrees. Thus, a 90 degree angle is indicated by 900. |
rotate next 900
show bitmap MyBitmap
show bitmap
delay 500
rotate 1 900
The delay instruction pauses the program for the specified number of milliseconds. You will need this function often, for example, if you want to show a stimulus for a specific time interval, or for waiting between trials.
delay [milliseconds] |
show bitmap MyBitmap
delay 200
clear -1
The parameter of delay (in the example 200) can be a variable or a table entry as well. Look at the examples to learn how to do that. |
The readkey instruction tells the computer to wait for a keyboard response. The first argument, the correct key, corresponds to the keys in the keys instruction.
readkey [correct key number][maximum RT] |
In the following example, there are two possible keys in the task (named MyTask), the a and the z key. Imagine that a stimulus requires the z button to be pressed, that is the second key (with a being the first in the line "keys"). The readkey command will now way 3 seconds for a key press. If the participants presses the z key, the STATUS will be set to CORRECT (which equals numerical value 1). If the participants presses the wrong key, it will be WRONG (numerical value 2), and if there is no response at all within 3000 ms, the STATUS code will be TIMEOUT (numerical value 3).
task MyTask
keys a z
show bitmap PressTheZkey
readkey 2 3000
After a call to readkey, the user can use the following variables:
RT (with the response time in milliseconds, that is the time of the key down event)
TT (the time the key has been released)
STATUS (with values CORRECT,WRONG, or TIMEOUT, or 1,2, or 3)
The keystatus command is for advanced use only and works on Linux only (i.e., not in the web-based system) |
Under certain conditions, you want to check the status of the keyboard directly. You can do this with the keystatus command. You can (optionally) specify which key you would condider to be correct.
task checkKey
keys a l
show rectangle 0 0 50 50 255 0 0
timestamp MyTime1
timestamp MyTime2
while $x < 5000 ## run while-loop for 5 secs
keystatus ## read the keyboard status
if KEY == 1 ## key "a"
unhide 1 ## display the rectangle
if KEY == 2 ## key "l"
hide 1 ## hide the rectangle if l is pressed
set $x timestamp-diff MyTime1 MyTime2 # now x should be 500
nap ## give the computer some rest in the while loop
The readkey function is useful for most experiments, where you need just one key press in response to a stimulus.
For a number of experiments, you want people to be able to type in a word (or some sequence of letters).
The command readkeys lets you do this. Look at the example below to see it.
The readkeys command has many options, so it may look a bit more difficult (see list below). |
The command allows for delete character. Return key "ends" the readkeys input. |
apple ## a picture of an apple
empty_box ## an empty rectangle used as letter placeholder
arial 20
task my_task
text color yellow
show bitmap apple
readkeys "apple" 10000
A more complex function using the readkeys option statements.
Note, by default:
the typed letters will be shown on screen (you can hide them with readkeys option hide)
there are no placeholders shown (see example below for how to show placeholders)
the font color is white by default (you can set it differently with, for example textcolor yellow)
the size of the maximum array is 100 (which is in practical terms way longer than what you could need)
the letters will be shown starting at the center of the screen
the first defined font (in fonts section) will be used
the default spacing of letters will be 25 pixels
Readkeys options:
readkeys option size number : how many letters can be typed maximally.
readkeys option show : the typed letters will be shown on screen (starting at screen center)
readkeys option show x_position y_position : the typed letters will be shown as indicated by the x/y position
readkeys option hide : the typed letters will be not be shown on screen
readkeys option space number : The letters will be spaced by this number of pixels
readkeys option placeholders image : There will be placeholders in the shape of the indicated image (as defined in bitmaps)
readkeys option placeholders Width Height : The placeholders will be rectangles of size Width by Height
apple ## a picture of an apple
empty_box ## an empty rectangle used as letter placeholder
my_arial arial 20
task my_task
text color yellow
show bitmap apple
text color red
readkeys option size 5
readkeys option show 100 50
readkeys option placeholders empty_box
readkeys font font1
readkeys "apple" 10000
Some explanations about the above example:
text color red: The readkeys command will show letters in red
readkeys option size 5: Maximally 5 letters can be typed
readkeys option placeholders empty_box: The placehold will be the bitmap image empty_box as given by the user in the bitmaps list
readkeys option show 100 50: The typed letters will be shown on screen at position 100 50.
readkeys option font my_arial: The font my_arial will be used
In the example above, the final readkeys line waits for 10000 ms until people have entered one or more letters (participant pressing the return/enter key ends the entry). If people entered "apple", they status is set to "correct" (i.e., value 1).
Similar to readkey, you can check if the participant clicked the mousekey, and if so, if the mouse was where it should be. You can also just wait for the mouse to be moved into a certain area of the screen. In fact, you can check if the location of a specific stimulus has been touched with the mouse (bitmap, or rectangle, or text).
Here are the different options
Wait until the mouse is clicked and the mouse is in the correct location
Wait until the participant moves the mouse to the correct location
In the following example, we show two rectangles, and we want that the participant mouse the mouse over the green one (the first bitmap), which is positioned on the left (-200). We give maximally 5 seconds, that is 5000 milliseconds.
task checkMouse
show rectangle -200 0 40 40 0 255 0 # green rect, left
show rectangle 200 0 40 40 255 0 0 # red rect, right
readmouse 1 5000
In the following example, we have exactly the same task, but we want that the mouse is being clicked as well as in the first stimulus. We add the "l" argument, with "l" standing for the left mousebutton. In Javascript, it is recommended only to use the left mousebutton, because the right mouse button might show a browser-specific menu, which is obviously not something you want.
task checkMouse
show rectangle -200 0 40 40 0 255 0 # green rect, left
show rectangle 200 0 40 40 255 0 0 # red rect, right
readmouse l 1 5000
There is one issue that arises if you have stimuli that overlap eachother. Imagine the following situation. You have one big rectangle that is just their to show a clear yellow rectangle, and on top of that is a much smaller rectangle. If you want that people click that second smaller rectangle, you need to tell the computer that you do not care about the first one. The way to do that is to specify the range of bitmaps that you are interested in. See example below:
task checkMouse
show rectangle -200 0 400 400 255 255 0 # big yellow rectangle
show rectangle 50 0 40 40 255 0 0 # small red one
readmouse l 2 5000 range 2 2 # wait for second one being clicked
Under certain circumstances, you want to ask the participant to click multiple stimuli on the screen. Ideally, you would want to allow the participant to select objects and deselect as well. This is all possible with the function choose.
In short, choose will let the participant click on a range stimuli, show a symbol on top of the stimuli, and when clicked again the symbol will disappear.
It is easiest to learn how this works from an example.
In the following example, there are three symbols shown on the screen that can be selected with a selector bitmap. Options for this command can be set before choose is called with choose option. The participant has 60 seconds (60,000 milliseconds).
exitsymbol1 ## shown when at least 2 selected
exitsymbol2 ## shown when not enough are selected
task clickMysymbols
show bitmap house # bitmap 1
show bitmap ball # bitmap 2
show bitmap car # bitmap 3
choose option select markingsymbol
choose option minselect 2
choose option exit exitsymbol1 exitsymbol2 350 250
choose 60000 1 3
Note the following things about the above example:
There are three images on the screen.
If you click an image, the "markingsymbol" image will be put on top of it
If you click it again, this "markingsymbol" will be removed
The RT is the response time until the exitsymbol was clicked
CHOSEN_N contains number of selected objects
CHOSEN_1, CHOSEN_2, CHOSEN_3, etc contains the number of the object. They will always be in numerical order.
There are various other options:
choose option minselect: The minimum to be selected objects
choose option maxselect: The maxumum to be selected objects
choose option sprites: Select from sprites instead of static stimuli
choose option keep: Keeps the participant selected selector images on screen (the default is that they are erased immedeately when the choose function is over)
The choose command is particularly useful for memory tasks. |
Sometimes people want a Likert scale in their experiment. For example, you might show a shopping item and ask people, how likely would you be buying this in the next week on a scale from one to five. This is now super easy to do.
task wantit
show bitmap something_for_sale -200 0
rate 10000 5
This gives you the most basic type of a Likert scale. By default, the points of the likert scale are yellow circles and left and right, you see a small white box. In reality, you want a lot more. For that, you can give options. First of all, you can select a location with the "option pos" followed by an x and y coordinate.
In the example below, the scale is now shown left of center.
task wantit
show bitmap something_for_sale -200 0
rate option pos -200 0
rate 10000 5
In the example below, we add nicer bitmaps instead of the default drawing symbols. In PsyToolkit, there is the option labels for rate, so that you can make a bitmap with the label texts "not at all" and "very much" or just simple arrows in the example below. The "option items" just specifies the bitmap of the clickable points on the scale.
Also, in the example below we have 7 items and people must make choice within 5 seconds.
task wantit
show bitmap something_for_sale -200 0
rate option pos -200 0
rate option labels left_arrow right_arrow
rate option items my_rectangle
rate 5000 7
Saves variables. Typically, a task ends with a save line.
The save instruction is of critical importance, because it makes sure that the information you need for your data analysis is being stored. By default, PsyToolkit does not keep any information (unlike some other experiment software). The user needs to tell PsyToolkit exactly which information is being stored to the data file. |
Typically, you will want to save what the current condition is, the current block (if you have more than one block), and at least the response time (RT), and whether the participant responded correctly or not (STATUS). The examples on this website can help you to understand this. |
The best place for the save command is at the end of your task description. |
save [list of variables] |
Used to play sounds. A sound just starts playing the code continues. If you want to do nothing during the sound, you need to have it followed by a delay. You can also stop the sound at any time using the silence instruction.
sound [sound name (as defined in 'sounds'] |
sound MySoundFile
delay 200
silence MySoundFile
You can use if to only carry out some commands. This is often needed for showing a feedback message if people make a mistake. The opposite of if is fi.
task MyTask
show bitmap stimulus
readkey 1 1000
show bitmap WellDone
delay 1000
clear -1
show bitmap Mistake
delay 2000
clear -1
if $x == &y
show bitmap SmileyFace $x $y
Similar to if, you can put code in a "while loop". The while loop is ended with the while-end statement.
task MyTask
set $mycounter 0
while $mycounter < 10
set $x random -200 200
set $y random -200 200
show bitmap SmileyFace $x $y
set $mycounter increase
If you make a mistake, the computer might be stuck in the while loop. For example, if you do not increase the value of $mycounter in the above example, the code will be stuck and keep drawing new SmileyFace symbols at random positions. |
less often used instructions
Some functions are rarely used or necessary, yet they add to the potential of PsyToolkit scripting.
Everything between a while and while-end statement will be carried out until the condition on the while line is satisfied.
while $x < 100
increase $x
save $x
You can set the font of the next *show text" instruction.
MySmallFont arial.ttf 20
MyBigFont arial.ttf 50
task Mytask
font MySmallFont
show text "small" 0 0
font MyBigFont
show text "small" 0 100
very advanced instructions
You can end the task at any point in your list of statements in a task. You can even end the current tasklist or the whole experiment. All you need to do is end task , end tasklist , or end experiment
This can be useful, for example, when people are training and you want to stop the block of trials when they made a mistake.
This is, however, a statement that you will rarely need.
timestamp can be used to capture the current time. This can be handy if you are checking the time past in a while..while-end loop. It can also be handy if you are trying to debug code and check if the timing is as expected.
You can get the timestamp-diff between two timestamp variables using the set command as in the example below. Timestamps cannot be directly accessed or used other than through set timestamp-diff
task MyTask
timestamp MyFirstTimestamp
delay 1000
timestamp MySecondTimestamp
set $x timestamp-diff MyFirstTimestamp MySecondTimestamp
save $x
Sprite commands do not work in browser/online version. They work only in the Linux (Desktop version). |
In PsyToolkit, sprites are a separate type of stimulus (in addition to bitmap, rectangle, circle, and text. Sprites can move around and rotate. This is great for experiments such as multiple object tracking. They have their own commands.
task MyTask
sprite create mystimulus
sprite 1 display
sprite move direction 45 5
delay 2000
block test
MyTask 1
The speed of moving sprites is based on various factors. Speed depends on the screen update frequency. This just means that if you use experiments on different systems, you might have slightly different sprite moving speeds. |
Have a look at the Linux example directory to see how the commands below work. |
Function name | What it does | example |
create new sprite |
sprite create [bitmap] |
create a stimulus and position it at screen center |
sprite create MyStimulus |
sprite create [bitmap] [x][y] |
create a stimulus and position it |
sprite create MyStimulus 100 50 |
sprite create [bitmap] [x][y][angle][speed] |
create a stimulus and position it and move it |
sprite create MyStimulus 100 50 45 5 |
displaying sprites |
sprite [sprite] display |
makes sprite visible |
sprite 1 display |
sprite [sprite] hide |
hides sprite |
sprite 1 hide |
sprite [sprite] freeze |
stops moving |
sprite 1 freeze |
sprite [sprite] move |
makes it moving again |
sprite 1 move |
moving sprites |
sprite [sprite] jump (xpos)(ypos) |
change position at once |
sprite 1 jump 200 100 |
sprite [sprite] move (to/towards) (xpos)(ypos)(speed) |
set a direction to location |
sprite 1 move to 200 100 5 |
sprite [sprite] move direction (angle)(speed) |
move in a direction |
sprite 1 move direction -90 4 |
sprite [sprite] move path (speed) x1 y1 … xn yn |
move along a set path of locations |
sprite 1 move path 3 200 100 -200 100 300 50 |
sprite [sprite] evade |
sprite will not run into one another |
sprite 1 evade |
sprite [sprite] borders [left][right][top][bottom] |
sprite will bump against these set borders |
sprite 1 borders -300 300 -200 200 |
rotating/scrolling sprites |
sprite [sprite] rotate [speed in degrees per refresh rate] |
Make a sprite keep rotating continuously |
sprite 1 rotate -7 |
sprite [sprite] rotate to [angle] [speed in degrees per refresh rate] |
Rotate a sprite gradually |
sprite 1 rotate to 270 |
sprite [sprite] rotate now [angle] |
Rotate a sprite |
sprite 1 rotate now 45 |
sprite [sprite] hscroll [speed] |
Scroll a sprite within |
sprite 1 hscroll -3 |
changing sprites |
sprite [sprite] speed (speed) |
set speed |
sprite 1 speed 2 |
sprite [sprite] accelerate (speed change) |
adjust speed |
sprite 1 accelerate 3 |
sprite [sprite] bitmap [bitmapname] |
change what it looks like |
sprite 1 bitmap smiley |
command acting on all sprites as once |
sprites [delete,freeze,unfreeze,display,hide,evade,bounce(borders,sprites),borders,update] all |
act on all sprites in one line |
sprites display all |
See examples in the Linux packages to learn how to use these commands. |
Instructions for special equipment
Special equipment are primarily IO cards and special keyboards. I recommend Cedrus keyboards. If you like, you can build your own keyboard. This saves a lot of money. You can attach it to the parallel port (if you have one). This keyboard is called "ultra" (designed by Felix Frey, University of Leipzig), and a document how to build this is freely available.
cedrus readkey
Wait for a specific key of your USB Cedrus keyboard. Make sure you know which key has which numerical value (you might want to experiment a bit with this, and there is an example programming that shows you the number of each key). On Linux, you can call this using the "testcedrus" command, which comes with PsyToolkit.
Tables have lines and rows. Each time a table is being used in a task, one of its rows is chosen. Each column can be referred to using the @ sign. For example, @2 refers to the second column on the row that is being chosen for a given task trial. In the block, the user can specify how table lines are selected. The default is randomly, but there are alternative ways (for example: fixed order, repeat on trial).
table MyTable
10 2 bitmap1
-10 1 bitmap2
table MyTable
10 2 bitmap1 "condition one"
-10 1 bitmap2 "condition two"
In a task that uses a table (as instructed with the table instruction), each column can be referred to with the @ sign. Thus @2 refers to the second column of the table row that has been selected.
Each time that a task is being carried out, only one table-row of the associated table is being selected. By default, a row is chosen randomly. There are other ways to choose table rows (using the tasklist instruction in blocks). |
In each task trial with a table, you have access not only access to the columns, but you can also get the number of the tablerow. The variable is called TABLEROW. This can be handy for saving data. If there is a lot of important data in each tablerow that you want to use in your analysis, you want to make sure which TABLEROW was being used.
In experiments, trials come in blocks. A block of trials means that the participant does, for example, 100 trials of the Stroop task. Instead, you might want to have a break in the middle, so you could create instead 2 blocks of 50 trials. Blocks call tasks, so you really must have at least one block in your PsyToolkit script. Blocks can be complex, but they can also be very easy, like this example below.
block MyBlock
strooptask 100
showing bitmaps, playing sounds, and waiting for keys
Often, you want to show instructions to participants. You can show bitmaps, and you can show series of bitmaps participants can scroll forward and backwards through (pagers).
The bitmap is simple. You often want to show a bitmap with an instruction and then wait for a keypress.
block Myblock
bitmap MyInstruction
strooptask 100
Showing a bitmap in a task and in a block is different. Here in blocks, do not put the word show before the bitmap. In tasks you have to. There are good reasons for this distinction (in tasks, stimuli are fast paced, whereas in blocks, they are thought of as instructions). |
As in the task, you can start a sound with sound and stop it with silence
block Myblock
sound welcometune
bitmap MyInstruction
silence welcometune
strooptask 100
As in tasks, you can put in a delay. Sometimes this is nice for countdowns.
block Myblock
bitmap number3
delay 500
bitmap number2
delay 500
bitmap number1
delay 500
mytask 100
Instead of showing a bitmap and waiting for a key, you can combine this in one command, called message.
block Myblock
message MyInstruction
strooptask 100
message ThankYouBitmap
block Myblock
message MyInstruction b
strooptask 100
message ThankYouBitmap
You can use the mouse key instead of the keyboard. Make sure you instruct this clearly on the message. The participant will then continue when clicking (or touching) anywhere on the instruction bitmap. |
block Myblock
message MyInstruction mouse
strooptask 100
message ThankYouBitmap
Sometimes you want a series of instructions and let the browser use through it. In other words, you have series of pictures (or "pages", hence the word "pager") that you want to show one after another.
The pager command let you do exactly this.
Users can use the arrow keys and use the Q key to get out of it. The space bar will go to the next image/page. Make sure that all these bitmaps are in the bitmap section.
Alternatively, you can use the mouse instead of the keyboard (below). |
Make sure you tell in the instructions how users browse through it and how they get out of it. |
block Myblock
pager MyInstruction1 MyInstruction2 MyInstruction3 MyInstruction4
strooptask 100
Alternatively, you can use the mouse (or touch) to scroll through the instruction pages. For this, you need to give some more information. If you are a beginner, try the basic pagers as explained above first.
The mouse/touch pager is sometimes more useful (e.g., touch screen experiments). |
In the example below, we use the pager option to tell the computer the following:
Use the mouse for the pager
The bitmap named "back" should be presented at position -200,200
The bitmap named "next" should be presented at position 0,200
The bitmap named "start" should be presented at position 200,200
Thus, apart from the instructions, on each screen there are 3 bitmaps, one for going back through the instructions, one for going forward, and one for leaving the instructions. The latter one is only shown once the participant has gone through them all.
Note, for this experiment, you need to have bitmaps for the images: back, next, start, MyInstruction1, MyInstruction2, MyInstruction3.
block Myblock
pager option mouse back -200 200 next 0 200 start 200 200
pager MyInstruction1 MyInstruction2 MyInstruction3
strooptask 100
setting variables
Sometimes you want to set a global variable. You can do that just like you would do in tasks. For example, you might set the maximum response time to a higher value during training.
block MyTraining
pager MyInstruction1 MyInstruction2 MyInstruction3 MyInstruction4
set &MaxResponseTime 2000
strooptask 20
block MyRealDatablock
set &MaxResponseTime 1000
pager MyInstruction1 MyInstruction2 MyInstruction3 MyInstruction4
strooptask 100
Each block has a task list. This describes which tasks are being called, how many times, and in what order. You might have one or more tasks. It is rare to have multiple tasks, but in taskswitching paradigms this might be the case.
On each line of the task list, you need at the very least provide the name of the task and the number of trials.
block MyTraining
strooptask 20
You can specify that you want that whenever people make a mistake, the same trial should be repeated, using repeat_on_error. If you use this, you need to specify what is considered to be an error using the error statement (see example below).
Repeat_on_error only works when you use tables, random variables are not set to the same values. |
table MyTable
"condition1" 255 0 0 1 ## respond with "r" to red rectangle
"condition2" 0 255 0 2 ## respond with "g" to green rectangle
task Mytask
table MyTable
keys r g
show rectangle 0 0 @2 @3 @4
readkey @5 2000
error ## this tells PsyTookit that this trial is considered an error
save @1 STATUS RT
block MyTraining
Mytask 10 repeat_on_error
In the example above, you see a red or green rectangle, and you need to respond with the "r" or "g" key. You might wonder why you would need to explicitly specify what an error is if you use "repeat_on_error". This is a good question, because in the above example it is indeed an error if the person responds with the wrong key. But there are experiments in which you actually want that people do not respond (that is STATUS is TIMEOUT). And in some experiments, there is more than one response per trial. The "error" statement gives you full control over what an error is and what not. |
In some experiments, you might want that all participants carry out the trials in exactly the same order. You can just run through each line of your task table. You use the fixed option for this.
block MyTraining
strooptask 20 fixed
In some experiments, you might want that participants do at least a certain number of trials correct. You use the correct option for this. In the example below, the participant needs to have done 10 trials correct, but after 100 trials it will stop no matter how many the participant did correct. In the allcorrect variant, they must be consecutively correct.
block MyTraining
strooptask 10 correct 100
block MyTraining
strooptask 10 allcorrect 100
Finally, you sometimes want that trials do never repeat. There are three ways to get this in the tasklist statement
all_before_repeat : do all trials as in the table, randomly selected, but run them all before chosen again
no_repeat : never immedeatly repeat a condition from the table (i.e., the same row of a table will not be repeated in next trial)
fixed : run trials in the order as they are in the table
In the following example, there are only three entries on the following list. They will not be repeated until they are all done. You can explicitly add that you never want any repeat.
table MyTable
task strooptask
table MyTable
keys space
show bitmap @1
readkey 1
block MyTraining
strooptask 10 all_before_repeat no_repeat
If you have fixed in consecutive blocks, but use the same task and table, you will continue at the table row where you had left. This is a handy feature in case you have many trials you want to go through, but sometimes people need a break. |
Make sure that you always have an end at the end of your tasklist |
You can set the maximum duration of a block (in milliseconds, seconds, or minutes). It is very simple. Here is an example of a block that can last for maximally 2 minutes.
You can still have instructions before the task list (e.g., as a message or pager, they are not counted toward the maxtime). |
block MyTraining
maxtime 2m
strooptask 10 all_before_repeat no_repeat
block MyTraining
maxtime 100s
strooptask 10 all_before_repeat no_repeat
block MyTraining
maxtime &MyVariable
strooptask 10 all_before_repeat no_repeat
Feedback can be used to create feedback to the participant, for example about the average response speed. Creating feedback is part of the "block" structure. Feedback is described in a separate document, because it is of advanced use: how to use feedback
Advanced use |
By default, blocks are carried out in the order they are described in your code. You can alter this order by rearranging the block code, but there is an easier and quicker way: blockorder.
Using the blockorder statement, you can list the blocks you want to do and the order you want them in.
The idea behind this function is just speed of coding, and ease of changing the order (for example for counterbalancing).
In the following example, imagine there is code for three blocks, called training, test1, and test2. The following example show how to set the order of these blocks in different ways.
Most importantly, you can have more than one blockorder. When you have more than one blockorder, PsyToolkit will choose one at random. Which blockorder will be chosen will be stored in the variable BLOCKORDER. By default, this variable contains value 1, but if you have given, say, 3 blockorders, this value can be between values 1 and 3. Below is an example of this use.
In the example below, the computer will choose one of the two blockorders at random. That is what the computer will do when it see two blockorders. This is great for counterbalancing, for example if you want that some participants start with one task and others with the another task. |
task color_task
keys a l
readkey 1 1000
task shape_task
keys a l
readkey 1 1000
include (advanced use only)
You can include another file into your script. This can be useful if you work with very large tables which you want to store in a separate file. Any line starting with include followed by a filename will use that filename at that place in the script.
Included files must be in the same directory as the main script file. |
table My_Large_Table
include tablefile.txt
task some_task
table My_Large_Table
show bitmap @1
delay 100
block test
some_task 10
Included files (like tablefile.txt in the example) should not include other files using include. |
part (for advanced user)
You can write "snippets" of a few lines and include them elsewhere in your script. This is handy if you have multiple tasks or blocks which are broadly the same except for a few lines. This way can use a part instead of re-typing the whole script.
part just replaces the text into your code. The main aim is to have shorter more efficient code without repetitions of the same stuff. |
part showAnimatedSquare
show rectangle 0 0 50 50 255 255 0
delay 100
show rectangle 0 0 100 100 255 255 0
delay 100
show rectangle 0 0 150 150 255 255 0
delay 100
part removeSquare
clear -1 -2 -3
task some_task
keys space
part showAnimatedSquare
readkey 1 1000
part removeSquare
delay 100
task another_task
keys a
part showAnimatedSquare
readkey 1 5000
part removeSquare
delay 200
block test
some_task 10
block test
another_task 10
Links to all instructions
(this list is not yet complete)
Options: origin| bitmapdir| sounddir| videodir| fontdir| fullscreen| resolution| version| mouse| variable| window| screensize| screendistance| vsync| egi|escape| parallelport| pcidio24|cedrus| iolab| eye-tracker| executable