Before you begin ...

About this survey

We would be grateful to you if you could assist us by participating in our study exploring how neurotypical adults with high ASD traits treat vague colour concepts. The study is specifically interested in investigating whether individuals with high autism traits treat vague concepts as more sharply defined than individuals with low ASD traits and whether treatment of vague concepts differs between truth judgment and perceptual categorisation tasks.

Your participation will take approximately 15 minutes, during which time you will complete three tasks; an Autism Quotient questionnaire measuring autistic traits, a true or false task in respect to colours and a perceptual categorisation task based on colour similarity.

Your data will be confidential with only an anonymous number identifying it, should you wish to withdraw your data at a later point you will be given your assigned number at the end of the study. Taking part in this study is completely voluntary; you may withdraw at any time without having to give any reason. Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have about this study via the emails or number provided and await satisfactory a response before continuing.

This application has been reviewed by the University Research Ethics Committee and has been given a favourable ethical opinion for conduct

Thank you for your help.

Eve Warburton

Contact information

Information about this study:

Supervisor:                            Email:                                                     Phone:

Dr Tom Loucas                                      0118 3784697



Eve Warburton            

Contact email:

Important technical requirements for your computer

You seem to use the following browser (version number in brackets): unknown browser ( n/a )
You need to use a different browser for this study
Please use another browser. Use Chrome or Firefox

For this study, you need to have a real keyboard.

Confirm you want to do this survey

1. I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary and that I may withdraw

any time without giving any reason.

2. I have read the information about this study and the procedure of the study.

3. I have been provided with an email address and number to ask any questions that I

may have about the study and these have been answered to my satisfaction.

Important data protection information

When you start, this survey will store your answers and browser information on the PsyToolkit server. The responsibility for this survey rests entirely with the researcher(s) listed above. Click here if you do not want to participate now.