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About this survey

PROJECT TITLE: Differences in risk-taking behaviour between bilinguals and monolinguals.



You are being asked to take part in a research study on Language and Cognition in Bilingual Speakers. The research is supervised by Dr Maria Garraffa. The investigator is Sean Alexander. The project has been approved by the School of Social Sciences Ethics Committee at Heriot-Watt University.



In this study, you will be asked to complete either one or two online questionnaires on a computer. The first questionnaire measures various risk-taking behaviours, whilst the second questionnaire will be completed if you are knowledgeable of a second language and will measure your proficiency of that language. You will also complete a computer task, where you will play a “gambling” game and will be asked to choose 1 of 4 buttons. Each button allows you to win some money, but sometimes you will have to pay a fee. The objective of the task is to win as much money as possible.



The aim of the study is to assess whether individuals who are bilingual, undertake different risk-taking behaviours in comparison to monolinguals.



The study typically takes 25 minutes. 



You may decide to stop being a part of the research study at any time without explanation. You have the right to ask that any data you have supplied to that point be withdrawn. You have the right to omit or refuse to answer or respond to any question that is asked of you.



There are no known benefits or risks for you in this study.



Your participation in this study is voluntary; there is no compensation for your participation in this study except for STREP credits as detailed in the experiment announcement. 



In compliance with the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act, the data we collect will not maintain any personally identifiable information about you. No one will link the data you provide to any identifying information you may supply. Data will be used in coursework carried out by students in Psychology. Additionally, it might be used for research outputs such as articles and conference presentations.



Dr Maria Garraffa will be glad to answer your questions about this study and provide additional information on results if requested. You may contact them at or +44 (0)131 4513643.

Contact information

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Important technical requirements for your computer

You seem to use the following browser (version number in brackets): unknown browser ( n/a )
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Confirm you want to do this survey

By clicking ‘I agree’ below, you are agreeing that: 






*Personal data refers to any information about an individual. It includes but is not restricted to factual information such as date of birth, sensitive information such as health, ethnicity and opinions expressed. Such information is often used as summary statistics and/or for analyses but anonymity of participants and confidentiality of data is always maintained.

Important data protection information

When you start, this survey will store your answers and browser information on the PsyToolkit server. The responsibility for this survey rests entirely with the researcher(s) listed above. Click here if you do not want to participate now.