Before you begin ...

About this survey

Welcome to the experiment "Film scenes, faces, and emotions".

You need to be 18 years old or older to participate in this experiment. The experiment works best on a laptop or computer, but can be completed on a smartphone as well as long you have Chrome or Firefox as your web browser.

The aim of my study is to investigate different emotion regulation strategies and how negative emotional states affect how we view emotional faces. In the experiment, you will get to do 3 so-called "blocks", where each block consists of the same three small tasks:

1. Watching a short film clip, according to specific instructions presented above the film clip.

2. Rating your subjective current feeling.

3. Looking at and rating 20 faces, both with neutral and angry expressions.

The experiment takes about 15-20 minutes to finish and all data that is collected is completely anonymous The film clips are all taken from Hollywood (or similar) feature films and have been chosen for their emotional content.

Contact information

Information about this study:

Tobias Arvidsson

Master's Degree student in the Cognitive Neuroscience program at the University of Skövde, Sweden.

Contact email:

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Important data protection information

When you start, this survey will store your answers and browser information on the PsyToolkit server. The responsibility for this survey rests entirely with the researcher(s) listed above. Click here if you do not want to participate now.