Before you begin ...

About this study

Study Title:   Time Awareness and Prediction in Video Game Performance         

The purpose of this study is to investigate a potential link between time awareness and prediction and in-game League of Legends performance to see if greater ability correlates with higher performance.

You will be asked to perform tasks based on your time awareness and predictive ability, firstly in a non-game setting using a clock and subsequently using League of Legends video footage as the stimuli. Full instructions on how to perform each task will be given once the individual experiments are loaded.

The study should take around 10 minutes to complete. There are six experiments which will be loaded separately in order. Please wait at least 30 seconds for each experiment to load. Should any of the experiments fail to load after 30 seconds it is recommended you refresh the page to load again. If the problem continues, we request that you wait a few minutes and refresh again, repeating if necessary. 

You have been invited to particpate because you are over the age of 18 and play League of Legends. Should either of these criteria not apply to you we request that you do not participate. 

What are the possible disadvantages/risks in taking part?

There should be no risks or disadvantages to taking part, other than taking some of your own time to complete.


Will my taking part be kept confidential and anonymous?

Yes. You will be asked to provide a code word which will be used to identify any data that you provide. No personal identifying data will be collected.



How will my data be stored?

All data will be stored on password protected files within the university network.


What will happen to the results of the study?

The results will be used for an undergraduate dissertation that will be examined as part of a BSc Psychology degree. Occasionally some results might be presented at a conference or published in a journal, but they will always remain anonymous. All information and data gathered during this research will be stored in line with the Data Protection Act and in line with Open Data policies, deidentified data may be held indefinitely, but at no point will your personal information or data be revealed.


Who is funding the study?

The present research project has received no funding.


Who has reviewed the study?

This study and its protocol have received full ethical approval from Northumbria University College of Reviewers (reference number: 0010) If you require confirmation of this, or if you have any concerns or worries concerning this research, or if you wish to register a complaint, please contact Postgraduate Distance Learning Ethics Chair, Emma Barkus,


How can I withdraw from the project?

During the study itself, you are free to stop your participation at any point by closing your browser and the research team will remove your answers. After you have completed the research, you can still withdraw your data by contacting one of the research team (their contact details are provided in the last section) within 2 weeks of participation, and giving them your unique participant code that you will provide on the next page. After this date, it might not be possible to withdraw your individual data as the results might already have been published. As all data are anonymous, your individual data will not be identifiable in any way.

What happens if there is a problem?

If you are unhappy about anything during or after your participation, you should contact the researcher in the first instance or their Supervisor. If you feel this is not appropriate, you should contact:

Contact information

Information about this study:

Investigator: Ben Hughes

Supervisor: Jason Rajsic

Institution: Northumbria University

Contact email:

Important technical requirements for your computer

You seem to use the following browser (version number in brackets): unknown browser ( n/a )
You need to use a different browser for this study
Please use another browser. Use Chrome or Firefox

Confirm you want to do this survey

If you would like to take part in this study, please read the statement below and tick the box

I understand the nature of the study, and what is required from me. I understand I am free to withdraw from the study at any time, without having to give a reason for withdrawing, and without prejudice. I agree to provide information to the investigator and understand that my contribution will remain confidential.   I also consent to the retention of this data under the condition that any subsequent use also be restricted to research projects that have gained ethical approval from Northumbria University. 

Important data protection information

When you start, this survey will store your answers and browser information on the PsyToolkit server.The responsibility for this survey rests entirely with the researcher(s) listed above. Click here if you do not want to participate now.