About this study
Project Title: “Judging Facial Emotion/Sex"
- This study has been approved by the University of Sunderland Ethics Committee
- Research contact Information: Dr Jason Tipples jason.tipples@sunderland.ac.uk, University of Sunderland | Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellbeing
Sciences Complex | Chester Road | Sunderland | SR1 3SD +44 0191 515 2616 - Contact information (including an email address) of Ethics Committee: Dr John Fulton (chair of the ethics committee) email: john.fulton@sunderland.ac.uk, +44 0191 515 2529
Researcher: Dr Jason Tipples jason.tipples@sunderland.ac.uk
(angry face)
Invitation to participate. The minimum age for participation in this study is 18. You are invited to take part in a research study. Taking part is voluntary; it is up to you to decide whether to participate. You need to understand what the research is about and what it will involve. Please read the following information carefully and discuss it with others. If anything is not clear to you or you would like more information, please ask.
What is the study about? Facial recognition
Why am I doing the project? To gain further understanding of how we judge faces
What will you have to do if you agree to take part? There will be 2 short tasks followed by some questions. Task 1) you will be asked to decide if someone appears either happy or angry (specific instructions given later) and Task 2) you will be asked to decide if someone appears either female or male. The tasks together will take approximately 20 minutes and will be followed by questions designed to measure your agreement with statements relating to interacting in social situations (e.g., "I can easily tell if someone else wants to enter a conversation.") and questions concerning ethnicity and gender.
How much of your time will participation involve? The experiment should take approximately 30 minutes.
Will your participation in the project remain confidential? If you agree to take part, your name will not be recorded on the questionnaires and the information will not be disclosed to other parties. Your responses to the questions will be used for this project only. You can be assured that if you take part in the project, you will remain anonymous.
What are the advantages of taking part? You may find the project interesting as it relates to an issue that is a fundamental aspect of human behaviour. A short debrief will be given after the experiment (it will appear on the computer screen). You will learn about the research process.
Are there any disadvantages of taking part?
- Some of the faces will express unpleasant emotions. You may not like looking at or reading these. The questions ask about responding in social situations you will not like making a response to these statements
Confidential. All measures will be completely confidential – your name or other information will not be linked to the data, nor will your data be used in any way that might lead to adverse consequences for you).
Can I change my mind? Yes, you can stop taking part in the study at any time. You can do this without any negative consequences, and you do not need to provide a reason.
Having your data withdrawn. You can also ask for all your data to be destroyed. If you would like to withdraw your data, you will be given a link at the end of the experiment, you must complete this before 04/02/2025 if you wish to have your data destroyed. A link will be provided.
Who can I contact for further information? Researcher: Dr Jason Tipples jason.tipples@sunderland.ac.uk
If you wish to talk to an independent representative within the university and someone who is outside of this research study, please contact Dr John Fulton (chair of the ethics committee) on email: john.fulton@sunderland.ac.uk
Contact information
Information about this study:Contact email: jason.tipples@sunderland.ac.uk