Before you begin ...

About this survey

This study is about faces, and if you agree to take part you will be asked to view and make judgements about the leadership ability of several different faces. The study also includes questionnaires related to your demographic information and your attitude on social and political issues.  It is voluntary to take part and there may be no apparent benefits of taking part in this study. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the study.

Anyone over the age of 16 can participate.

This study has been approved by the ethics committee at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. 

By continuing to the following page, you are agreeing to take part in this study. You are free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason for your withdrawal, and are free to omit giving answers to questions if you wish. No personal information will be collected, and all data collected will be anonymous. If you have any questions about the study or wish to withdraw your data, you can contact the researcher, Clara Rutenberg, through the contact information listed below.

Contact information

Information about this study:

Researcher: Clara Rutenberg, Undergraduate student in Psychology, Queen Margaret University

Supervisor: Dr. Kristen Knowles, Lecturer in Psychology, Queen Margaret University,


Contact details of the independent adviser (note that the independent adviser cannot be a member of your supervisory team)

Name of adviser: Dr Stuart Wilson, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Queen Margaret University


Contact email:

Important technical requirements for your computer

You seem to use the following browser (version number in brackets): NA ( 0 )
You need to use a different browser for this study
Please use another browser. Use Chrome or Firefox

Confirm you want to do this survey


Please confirm that you want to participate in this survey and that you understand the conditions for participating. Your information (including computer IP) will be stored and might be used for research, but your own name will not appear in any publication and the data will be anonymised.

Important data protection information

When you start, this survey will store your answers, your internet address, and browser information on the PsyToolkit server. The responsibility for this survey rests entirely with the researcher(s) listed above. Click here if you do not want to participate now.