PsyToolkit Online Survey Error Message.
The survey has been created with a different version of PsyToolkit that seems to be referred to.
Please, click the following link to continue this survey:

Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 6360 PsyToolkit surveys intro screen
PsyToolkit Online Survey Error Message.
The survey has been created with a different version of PsyToolkit that seems to be referred to.
Please, click the following link to continue this survey:

Before you begin ...

About this survey

This survey tests your attentions span.
Note that there are different ways to define attention span.
This attention-span test measures highly focused attention.
It defines your attention span as the time you can correctly respond to an arrow.

The task is simple:

You can do this task and you can decide if you want to show your results on the websites.
There is a simple question about it.
If you end the experiment before the last question, your data will automatically be ignored.
You are also asked you give age and gender, but you always have the option not to answer.
The computer will automatically know in which country you are and use this information.

TIP: This test runs best on Firefox and the Google Chrome browser.

Contact information

Information about this study:
Gijsbert Stoet
Contact email:

Important technical requirements for your computer

You seem to use the following browser (version number in brackets): NA ( 0 )
You need to use a different browser for this study
Please use another browser. Use Chrome or Firefox

Confirm you want to do this survey

Please confirm that you want to participate in this survey. Your information (including computer IP) will be stored and might be used for research.

Important data protection information

When you start, this survey will store your answers, your internet address, and browser information as well. The PsyToolkit software and the PsyToolkit server are hosted at the University of Glasgow. The responsibility of the content of this survey rests entirely with the researcher(s) listed above. Click here if you do not want to participate now.